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聊大讲坛:Dr. Sangeeta Prakash学术报告会

作者:生物制药研究院 发布时间:2018-07-18

7月16日,昆士兰大学Dr. Sangeeta Prakash应邀来研究院做了题为“Improving Functionality and Oral Processing of Foods”的精彩报告。研究院相关师生参加了报告会,报告会由王正平教授主持。

Dr. Sangeeta Prakash的报告非常的“美味”,内容不仅涉及功能食品、营养品的相关基础知识,也为我们带来了相关研究中最先进的研究思路。在座师生就自己的疑惑和看法与Dr. Sangeeta Prakash进行深度探讨,并纷纷表示受益匪浅。


附Dr. Sangeeta Prakash简介:

Dr Prakash is an academic at the University of Queensland with extensive experience in processing, physical characterisation (texture analyser, rheometer and tribometer and mastersizer) and oral processing of various food ingredients and products including proteins (dairy and plant), hydrocolloids, dairy products (milk, yoghurt, custard, cream cheese and dairy beverages), rice and meat. Her research interest also extends to digestibility of food ingredients in the human gastro intestinal tract. She has authored several research articles including a book chapter. She is also a guest editor for Journal of Food Engineering managing the special issue on the recent development on food 3D printing technology.