首页» 师资队伍» 教师队伍» 史瑞婕



作者: 发布时间:2023-10-08


博士 / 讲师                    








  1. 2022.07-至今     聊城大学,生物制药研究院,讲师

  2. 2019.07-2022.06  东北农业大学,食品学院,食品科学,博士学位

  3. 2016.09-2019.06  山西农业大学,食品学院,食品科学,硕士学位

  4. 2012.09-2016.06  山西农业大学,食品学院,食品质量与安全,学士学位




  1. 食品蛋白质结构与功能的研究;

  2. 食品功能成分相互作用的分子机制研究;

  3.  功能食品的研发。




 1. 聊城大学博士及高层次人才科研启动基金,318052261,2023.01.01-2025.12.31,主持。

 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32172164,2022.01.01-2025.12.31,参与。



  1. 1. Shi, R., He, Y., Wang, Q., Cai, J., Gantumur, M. A., & Jiang, Z. (2024). Insight into the physicochemical characteristics, functionalities and digestion behavior of protein isolate derived from Lactarius volemus (L. volemus): Impacts of microwave-assisted extraction. Food Chemistry431, 137070. (SCI1区)

  2. 2. Shi, R., Gantumur, M. A., Gao, Z., Li, J., Sukhbaatar, N., Jiang, Z., & Mu, Z. (2023). Evaluating the role of glycyrrhizic acid on the dynamic stabilization mechanism of the emulsion prepared by α-Lactalbumin: Experimental and silico approaches. Food Chemistry429, 136772. (SCI1区)

  3. 3. Shi, R., Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Zhao, P., Jiang, Z., & Hou, J. (2022). pH-Dependent Binding Behavior of the α-Lactalbumin/Glycyrrhizic Acid Complex in Relation to Their Foaming Characteristics in Bulk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry70(10), 3252-3262. (SCI1区)

  4. 4. Shi, R., Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Li, J., Zhang, W., Jiang, Z., & Hou, J. (2022). Insight into binding behavior, structure, and foam properties of α-lactalbumin/glycyrrhizic acid complex in an acidic environment. Food Hydrocolloids125, 107411. (SCI1区)

  5. 5. Shi, R., Chen, W., Pan, F., Zhao, P., He, Y., Yu, R., ... & Jiang, Z. (2022). Characterization of the binding behavior, structure and foaming properties of bovine α-lactalbumin combined with saponin by the multi-spectroscopic and silico approaches. Food Hydrocolloids124, 107259. (SCI1区)

  6. 6. Shi, R., Li, T., Li, M., Munkh-Amgalan, G., Qayum, A., Bilawal, A., & Jiang, Z. (2021). Consequences of dynamic high-pressure homogenization pretreatment on the physicochemical and functional characteristics of citric acid-treated whey protein isolate. Lwt136, 110303. (SCI1区)

  7. 7. Shi, R., Li, T., Wang, K., He, Y., Fu, R., Yu, R., ... & Hou, J. (2021). Investigation of the consequences of ultrasound on the physicochemical, emulsification, and gelatinization characteristics of citric acid–treated whey protein isolate. Journal of Dairy Science104(10), 10628-10639. (SCI1区)

  8. 8. Shi, R., Liu, Y., Hu, J., Gao, H., Qayum, A., Bilawal, A., ... & Hou, J. (2020). Combination of high-pressure homogenization and ultrasound improves physiochemical, interfacial and gelation properties of whey protein isolate. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies65, 102450. (SCI1区)

  9. 9. Shi, R., Ma, C., Li, J., Wang, K., Qayum, A., Wang, C., ... & Jiang, Z. (2020). Characterization of TGase-induced whey protein isolate: Impact of HPHP pretreatment. Journal of Food Engineering282, 110025. (SCI1区)

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